Do I Need a Business Phone Number on My Website?

Your Business is Calling!

Did you know that 88% visitors are more likely to contact your company if you provide a business phone number on your website? It has also been found that around 61% mobile searchers rated click to call buttons and phone calls as very important in their purchasing and decision-making phase. So why aren’t more businesses capitalizing on this alternative when these statistics portray the immense power business phone numbers have on websites?

Well, maybe they are not aware about this fact, but now that you know how it can drive your business to success, here are a few more reasons why you need a business phone on your website.

Convey a Strong Brand Image

The ability to call a business is essential to maintain a strong brand image. It showcases the fact that businesses are available to their customers. It gives the impression that your customers can get in touch with your company or organization whenever they have a query or need any kind of assistance. In fact, if a business does not come with a phone number, around 47% of people move on to explore other brands.

Increase Conversion Rate

When users notice a business phone number on a website, it immediately gives more credibility to the brand. It helps humanize the brand since visitors realize that they are working with real people. It also lets customers know that someone will be responsible for their satisfaction. This instills trust in the minds of customers and works to enhance conversion rate.

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Enhance Sales and Broaden Reach

Many business owners, particularly those with home offices, lose sales by making people search for contact details. Customers do not want to fill out a ‘Contact Us’ form to get in touch with you. Not having your phone number prominently displayed on your website can cost you a great deal of sales. If you want to widen your reach and drive sales, you need to put your contact information out there so that it becomes easy for existing and potential customers to find it and call you when the need arises.

Better Understand Customer Behavior

When you add a business phone number on your website, you can even track calls made by your customers in an improved way. This, in turn, works to understand the behavior of the customers. Mostly, people get in touch to check for business hours, schedule an appointment, or inquire about the pricing structure, inventory and booking information. Based on this information, you can then try to make these details accessible to customers in a better and more effective way.

Receive Added Benefits

Other than the above mentioned reasons, there are a few more benefits you enjoy when you add a business phone number to your website.

    • You maximize online sale opportunities
    • You put to rest any worries that consumers have when it comes to trading online
    • It captures the thought process and intelligence of customers
    • Enhances effectiveness and efficiency

Ways to Improve Customer Service Over the Phone

Now that you know the importance of having a business phone number on your website, here are a few ways how you can improve customer service over the phone.

See That the Phone Number is Prominently Displayed

You do not want people to waste time searching for your business phone number on your website. Customers are bound to lose interest and move over to other brands. Ensure that your phone number is displayed in large fonts on your website and is easy to find.

Reduce the Need for Customers to Wait on Hold

After a minute, customers get annoyed and abandon a call if it is kept on hold. The time of your customers is important. See that you minimize wait on hold and provide callers the alternative to receive a call back instead.

Add a Unique Personal Touch

Make sure you assign a designated representative to take care of the caller’s individual requirements. This helps give people a personalized experience and promotes customer satisfaction.

Taking into account these factors works to enhance customer service over the phone.

The Verdict

Putting your business phone number on your website is a quick and immensely productive marketing strategy. It portrays the fact that companies or businesses take customer connection seriously. It helps customers understand that your staff genuinely cares and understands their needs and requirements. The more information you can provide, the better it is for customers as it helps them feel secure. So if something goes wrong with the service or product, they know how to reach you easily. If you are worried about getting calls after business hours, you can easily send those calls to voicemail.

You cannot deny the good old power of a phone call even though modern forms of communication are evolving to such a tremendous extent. People still rely on human contact and putting a voice to a business or brand is a sure shot way to instill trust, relief, and satisfaction in the minds of customers.

Small Business Resources

Add a Business Line to Your Cell Phone
Small Business Podcasts
Books for Business Growth
Small Business Mobile Apps
Top Entrepreneur Forums
The 30-Second Elevator Pitch
Perfect Voicemail Greetings
Add Click-to-Dial To Your Website
What is VoIP? How Does it Work?
Guide to Small Business Software
What is a Virtual Phone System?
How to Share a Team Phone Number
Toll-Free vs. Local Business Number
Learn the Parts of a Phone Number
Inspirational Small Business Quotes
Mastering the Art of the Cold Call

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